by Tyson | Sep 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
So, it is that time of the month again! Please follow the link below to read our latest newsletter:NCV September 2009 NewsletterIf you are not already a member of our mailing list, please click the link below to join!Join the NCV Mailing ListFinally, if you are on...
by Tyson | Sep 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
We just got word today that we can start reintegrating Guillermo with the rest of the children! In these past few months he’s gotten very used to solid one-on-one time, so we’ve decided to take a gradual approach to his reentry into the daily routine....
by Tyson | Sep 7, 2009 | Uncategorized
It’s wonderful to be able to report a whole bunch of good news all at once…Our first piece of news is that we can announce our first grant acceptance! We’ve been awarded a grant of $3400 by The $10 Club to be used towards medical equipment, diapers,...
by Tyson | Sep 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
The August newsletter is here! If you’d like to catch up with all that’s been going on at Niños con Valor, check it out by clicking here. We’d love to hear from you and know what you...
by Tyson | Sep 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Guillermo has returned home and is doing well in his isolation room. He is very glad to be able to be outside of his crib. Below you can see him very happy to be able to crawl around, if you look closely, you’ll also see evidence of his cutting about four teeth...