Welcome to our New Website

In an efforts to improve our communication with our supporters and those interested in learning more about our work with needy children in Bolivia, we have redesigned our website from the ground up. While we have done our best to keep things similar stylistically,...

Que los Cumplas Felices

Feature Photo: Raquel is in the center with Tia Sonia, our social work on the right and her sister, Trella, on the left. This past Monday we got to head out to the Quiroga family once again, this time to celebrate Raquel’s birthday that was on Sunday. It’s...

Dia del Peaton 2

I didn’t post last week, but wanted to share a bit about the great time my family had with Marco on the Dia del Peaton, which Megan wrote about last week. Our family loves these days, walking around the (mostly) car-less streets, the kids speeding around on their...

Two Worlds

As Carolina Malo, Volunteer Coordinator of Ninos con Valor, recently told me, a life of a missioner or volunteer is divided between two places–two very important places. One will be carried in your heart and memories, while you are present in the other. Last...


Recently, I have been reflecting on humbleness especially related to the work at Ninos. It is not the most prestigious type of work at times. It is taking the children to school or picking them up from school. It is helping to brush teeth after lunch. It is changing...