At Corazon del Pastor we are getting ready to celebrate the third anniversary of the Bolivian organization. The event will be in a week, with all staff and members participating in dancing and a variety of other performances. With many people from Cochabamba invited, we are preparing programs for the celebration which will have a piece of art from each of the girls on the back. We are all looking forward to the excitement of the birthday in a week!
Here some of the girls are drawing during our art time in the study room.
The girls have gotten great with drawing the home, the playground, and all of the
activities they enjoy to share with the people who attend.

All but two of the babies at Pedacito de Cielo have coughs, runny noses, and sore throats. After taking all of them to the doctors, we have them all on them mend with medicine. The Tias are amazing. They are always feeding, cooking for, cleaning up after, playing with, giving medicine to, and loving these children all with never ending patience. I am glad to say that all of the babies are crying less and laughing more, the sure sign that they are feeling better. It has been a long week, but with the really good care of the NCV staff, they are all making it through.

Here the tias are making a schedule with all of the dosage for the babies.
Eight babies with colds is quite a handful!
