¡Greetings from Cochabamba!
It has been a season of emotions. The mélange of joyous, gratifying and also deeply trying moments are visible on each our faces, and in the relationships we have with one another. Our kids have been learning a great deal through these changes. In April, Pedacito de Cielo focused on the rights and obligations of children, while in Corazón del Pastor we reflected on forgiveness and healing.
Peace and Blessings,
My sweet 15
In Bolivia, a girls' fifteenth birthday is on par with their wedding day. It is a rite of passage that girls dream about for years! Family, friends, and maids of honor accompany the "quinceañera" (15-year-old) on her transition from girlhood to womanhood. The celebration is a massive party, filled with dancing, music, food, and revelry.
The tías and girls transformed Corazón del Pastor's dining room into a into a spacious dance floor. Elena prepared a beautiful array of hors d’oeuvres to snack on, while we waited in anticipation for Adriana to make her big appearance. As Adriana gracefully descended the stairs in her stiletto heels, her maids of honor welcomed her to the dance floor with a choreographed dance. Tío Tyson led Adriana in the traditional waltz, and the festivities began.

Above Left: Our "quinceañera" and Tío Tyson.
Above Right: Adriana with her maids of honor.

Above Left: Adriana with the proud tías.
Above Right: The maids of honor, awaiting Adriana's entrance.

Above Left: The waltz.
Above Right: Adriana with her sister and mother.

Above Left: Dance party!!
Above Right: Let's eat-delicious cupcakes!
A day of sports
The girls' school dedicated a day to inagurate the athletic calendar. It began with a parade of kids and teachers through the basketball court and a ringing applause by all of the spectators. After raising the flag and singing the national anthem, the School Director described the importance of sports in personal growth and development—improving coordination, showing athletic talents, fostering will to compete, and celebrating hard work. The girls returned home happy and tired from a long day of play.

Above Left: Ready for a celebration of sports.
Above Right: It is always a good time to dress up and dance.

Above Left: Victoria and Nohemi cheerleading.
Above Right: Let the games begin!

Above Left: Mariela: goal-keeper.
Above Right: Jump, Alandra, jump!

Above Left: Alandra with her expert broom-shot.
Above Right: Zamora demonstrating her gymnastic capabilities.

Above Left: Olivia, helping Nohemi in one of the games.
Above Right: Teamwork!
A sad goodbye
Death in any circumstance is hard to accept. The death of a child—who has only experienced the joys of life for a short while—is one of the hardest experiences imaginable. On April 24, we said goodbye to 2-year-old Alvaro. While we lost this precious and irreplaceable life in a physical sense, his memory lives on in our hearts.
We will never forget the many life lessons he taught us: the will to survive, the power of love, and forgiveness. We learned more from him than he did from us. Rest in peace our sweet little angel.

Above Left: At the wake of our little angel.
Above Center: At the cemetery.
Above Right: Carrying the casket to the burial site.

Above: A few words of hope and encouragement, before we let Alvaro go.

Above: The final goodbye.

Above Left: We love you, Alvaro.
Above Right: Ever time we look into the sky, we will know that you are there watching over us.
Happy two years!
This month, Alejo turned another year older. We celebrated with all of his PDC brothers and tíos by decorating the home, dancing, singing, and sharing a sweet treat. Alejo has grown up a lot this past year. He listens and understands, can cruise around the home independently, enjoys retrieving things and putting them away, and loves to play with the other kids.
Celebrating a birthday is more than just a party for the birthday boy. It is about more than the decorations, the cake, and the amount of money we spend on the party. It is about sharing life and happiness with those we love. Birthdays are an opportunity to impart important life values with the kids, and take a moment to rejoice in another year spent together. Happy birthday little Alejo!

Above Left: Eating chocolate.
Above Right: Blowing out the candles.

Above Left: Sharing special snacks together in celebration.
Above Right: Somebody loves flan :)

Arriba: Nothing beats sharing special moments with those we love.
Splashing and swimming
Playing in the water is one of those simple pleasures that never gets old: the cool water engulfs our bodies as we explore the aquatic world that lives beneath the surface. We feel free, refreshed, and comfortable in our skin. The kids loved their afternoon at Tía Claudia's pool. They spent hours splashing each other, racing from one end of the pool to the other, and seeing who's cannonball created the biggest splash. It was an opportunity for brothers and sisters living in separate homes to share some time together.

Above Left: The kids playing happily.
Above Right: Paty helping Manolo overcome his fear.

Above Left: Relaxing in the sun.
Above Right: The girls, sun tanning.

Above Left: Snuggling with Tía Claudia's puppy.
Above Right: After working up an appetite, the kids enjoyed a delicious snack.
Tías a estudiar
There are many challenges of being a parent, yet having such an opportunity is ulitmatley rewarding. The tías meet on a regular basis to discuss how we can best meet our kids' needs, and what our role as parents entails.

Raising kids is more than just providing them with food and shelter. It is educating them in life values and healthy habits; it is helping them develop into productive, independent, and happy individuals. As our kids' surrogate parents, we tías love them with all of our hearts. We seek to understand each child—his or her unique background, struggles, and talents. This training session helped us gain skills to guide each kid spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. We learned techniques to bolster their self-esteem and handle behavioral issues constructively. One of the greatest joys of working with kids is that we learn so much from them too!
Kids help us live in the present. They teach us to forgive both others and ourselves. Dwelling in regret makes us bitter, but recognizing our mistakes helps us learn and grow as people. We must seize the opportunities that God gives us and strive for our best at each moment.
Peace and Love from the children, staff and volunteers of Niños con Valor.
Check out our Blog!
Keep up to date with what is happening in NCV on our blog. You can also catch up on previous newsletters here. Enjoy!
Give Now
If you are in the US, you can either send a check made out to "Ninos con Valor" to the address below, or use our Groundspring online donation page.
Niños con Valor
c/o Laurel Fortin
23515 NE Novelty Hill Rd SteB221-#301
Redmond WA 98053
For instructions on donating outside of the US, please visit our donations page.
We know that God loves kids too, so please keep us in your prayers, using these updates as a bit of a guide on what is happening, or by writing us here. We send out weekly prayer requests to those who join our prayermail list. We really appreciate the support!
Learn More about our Projects
All of our programs seek to provide holistic care, as well as integrate children and families living with various physical and mental health issues, including HIV/AIDS.

Our home that currently provides care for 22 girls who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.

Our home that currently provides care for 13 boys who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.
Our transitional program, helping prepare teens for independent living once they leave our residential homes.