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September 2014
Newsetter |
Greetings from Cochabamba!
Ahh Spring... when we can breathe in the sweet fragrance of the flowers, listen to the laughter of children and teens as we celebrate "Month of the Student"... when love is blooming all around—couples, friends, classmates—as it's also the "Month of Love"... And, of course we can't forget that it's also the anniversary month of both Cochabamba and Niños con Valor. September is undoubtedly a month full of happiness, festivals, family, friends, and gratitude!
Peace and Blessings,
To Infinity and Beyond!
In Cochabamba, we have three "Pedestrian Days" every year, when no cars are allowed on the roads, when the day is filled with sports and outdoor activities for the whole family to share in, and when the constant drone of motors is replaced by the laughter of children playing ball in the streets and riding bikes. These days offer a wonderful and welcome respite from the pollution; at the end of the day, we can breathe in fresh air, look up at a blue sky, and wonder why we don't do this more often!
The kids of Corazón del Pastor and Pedacito love these days, hitting the streets on their bikes, running around without the worry of traffic, and joining thousands of others who walk and explore our city that is usually too crowded with cars to really appreciate.
Above Left: Riding Bikes!
Above Right: Playing Games!
We've waited so long, and now you're here!
It can't be easy to not know where you come from or the story of your birth, and to know that though you have a birth mother, you'll probably never meet her.
What a joy it is, then, when you arrive at a home full of people who are waiting for you with open arms, who tell you that they've waiting so long for you, longing to see what you would look like, what your voice would sound like, to hear them say you have filled the hole in their hearts, and that they have loved you forever even though they hadn't met you yet! Then, you hear your mom say, "even though you didn't come from my body, you came from my heart," and she tells you how she felt the same anxiousness, the same hope, the same distressing pain that she felt in childbirth, and that when saw you for the first time, she fell in love.
We are overjoyed to share with you that, Mateo, who joined us as a newborn, is now with his adoptive family. This little boy, who prayed with so much faith that God would send him a family, is now happily living with his mom and big brother.
Above Left: One of the first photos of Mateo, taken within days of his arrival in our home.
Above Right: A photo of Mateo taken in August of this year - crazy kid!
A Very Special 15th Birthday!
The celebration of a girls' 15th birthday is a very special day... it's kind of a combination of a Sweet Sixteen with a southern cotillion coming out party. It is a time full of emotions: the desperation to find out what it means to be considered a woman; one moment wanting to cry, the next laughing uncontrollably; and more than anything, the desire to feel loved and accepted by friends and family.
The party is designed to honor this important step in a young woman's life, as she puts on a beautiful dress, is presented to her family and friends, dances the traditional waltz, and shares her transition into womanhood with those closest to her. It is such an incredible moment when we see one of our teens, surrounded by family and friends, glowing as she recognizes how much love so many people have for her.
Paty took the planning of her party very seriously, deciding to choreograph the entrance and dances for her celebration, and anyone who has met Paty knows that this is very much her style! In fact, the whole celebration, from beginning to end, was definitely designed by Paty—modern, fun, colorful, and wild—just like her!
Above: Paty posing in one of her three dresses with her cupcakes.
Above Left: Paty dancing her presentation at her quinceañera.
Above Right: Paty dancing the waltz with Tío Tyson.
Above Left: Paty together with her attendants.
Above Right: Paty entering the celebration full of pride.
Above Left: Paty taking a selfie with Tío Jose and Noelia.
Above Right: Paty posing with Tía Paola and Sofia.
Above Left: Paty and Vanesa performing a choreographed hip-hop number.
Above Right: Everyone enjoying themselves.
What a Trip!
Copacabana, Bolivia, is one of the most beautiful little towns you could possibly visit. A place rich in myth, legend, Andean customs, not to mention the fresh air and majestic Lake Titicaca, it truly is an experience visitors never forget.
This month, seventeen of our girls had an amazing opportunity visit both Lago Titicaca and the capital city of La Paz. What a privilege for them to get to know the Valleys of the Sun and the Moon, to tour the ruins on the Isla del Sol (the Island of the Sun), to get to experience, in person, the most important and incredible places and events told about by their ancestors, and to explore the modern and growing cities of La Paz and El Alto.
For both the girls and tías of CDP many experiences were firsts, navigating the waters of Lago Titicaca in boats, visiting the Temple of Copacabana, and riding the new cable cars from La Paz to El Alto. Travelling as a family was an unforgettable experience that everyone will always carry in their memories and their hearts, and our nightly reflections helped us grow closer to one another. Thank you so much Jeremy, a friend from Canada, for raising the funds that made this trip possible!
Above Left: Karina, Bryssa and Jhoselin in the bus - ready for an 8 hour drive!
Above Right: View of the lake and Copacabana from above.
Above Left: A delicious lunch.
Above Right: Enjoying their first boat ride.
Above Left: Tyson and Evelyn escaped, along with Adriana and Vanesa, for a vegetarian meal.
Above Right: Sharing around the campfire.
Above Left: The water was so cold! Crazy kids.
Above Right: Taking a trip in the Golden Swan.
Above: There were many opportunities to go on walks and take photos on the way.
Above Left: Sisters Nohemi and Karina braving the water.
Above Right: Tía Paola sharing a special moment with Natalia.
Above Left: Posing with the crosses in front of the temple in Copacabana.
Above Right: Alandra in some of the ruins of Isla del Sol.
Above: Our beautiful family on vacation.
Above Left: Drinking a coffee in Alexander's.
Above Right: Johana, Jhoselin and Paty in the new La Paz cable car, "Mi Teleférico".
Above: A couple group shots at the zoo.
Above: Natalia and Paty in Murillo Plaza.
Above Left: Loving them some hummus in Moroccan restaurant, Marrakech.
Above Right: Elena, excited to try Indian cuisine for the first time.
Above Left: We like the Indian food so much, we asked for a photo with the chef and restaurant owner!
Above Right: What a trip! Now it's back to Cochabamba.
A trip to the dentist!
When we were little, most of us enjoyed eating tons of candies and chocolates, we discovered that our teeth were perfect for opening bottles and taking off lids, and, of course, there was the gum chewing. We'd easily go to bed without brushing our teeth if we weren't reminded to do so by our parents. We did all this without thinking of the consequences later on: the cavities, the gum disease, the pain that goes along with them.
Thankfully, the tías are very vigilant about making sure that the children brush their teeth after every meal. That said, often children arrive at our homes with their teeth in very poor condition, and despite all the good nutrition and excellent dental hygiene in the house, they still have many dental issues. We're so grateful for organizations like Smiles Forever and IPENO who are invested in helping our children heal from past neglect and abuse, maintain healthy teeth and make their smiles sparkle.
Above Left: Marcos with his protective lenses before he gets a tooth pulled.
Above Right: Samuel at his first visit to the dentist.
Above Left: Alejo looking like he's a roaring lion.
Above Right: Getting a good brushing and polishing with chocolate flavored toothpaste to leave those teeth sparkling!
Cooling off in Pedacito de Cielo!
Who doesn't have fond memories of playing in the water as a child? Maybe it was while watering the garden, or just running through the sprinkler, but usually these things ended up turning into a full-on water fight. This is what happened one uncommonly hot spring day with the boys. They were watering the garden and the grass and they got to playing around with the hose, and instead of scolding them, the tias decided to turn it into bath time, and the boys "showered" under the hose, having a blast playing with the washing tubs full of water. Even the littlest ones got in on the fun, though they didn't last quite as long as the older boys. It was a spontaneously fun day for everyone!
Above Left: Marcos ready to attack!
Above Right: Zaquiel and Diego drying off after their outdoor shower.
Above: Fabian y Alejo warming up after a bit of play in the water.
Eight years as a family!
Niños con Valor became a Bolivian registed charity in 2006, and since then has grown to provide nuturing, family-style residential care to children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or rescued from high-risk situations through Corazón del Pastor, our girls' home, and Pedacito de Cielo, our boys' home. Both home have grown to be Bolivia's first programs with the infrastructure and trained staff to integrate children with special needs, focusing on those with immunodeficiencies, including HIV/AIDS. Most recently, we launched Sendero de Esperanza in 2012, to ensure that our teens receive adequate guidance on the transition to adulthood and independence, and a place to live when the age out at 18-years-old.
The NCV team's hard work is based on their commitment, love and devotion to our children. Without the commitment of our caregivers, of the people who have believed and invested in us, and the blessing of God, we wouldn't be where we are today. We wouldn't be blessed to see so many smiling faces each and every day, to share with our children about their hopes for the future, and these are truly the greatest gifts that God has given us in the work we do.
Above Left: The whole NCV family enjoying dinner together.
Above Right: Some of the girls from CDP and SDE hanging out together.
Above Left: Tía Paola with the delicious cake to celebrate NCV’s 8 years.
Above Right: Tía Maritza, as the tia who's been with the foundation the longest, had the honor of saying a prayer of blessing to start off the festivities.
Above Left: The girls praying and giving thanks for all of the blessings we've received.
Above Right: Some of the boys celebrating with Cynthia.
Everything has its season, its cycle. Over these past eight years we have been through so much together, we have been through the celebratory moments and the heartbreaking ones, and because of the love of God and of all of you who have supported us throughout these past 8 years, we have been able to achieve so much. We are blessed because we are valued, and we have the treasured blessing to also be loved by all of these wonderful children!
Peace and Love from the Children, Staff and Volunteers of Niños con Valor.
Check out our Blog!
Keep up to date with what is happening in NCV on our blog. You can also catch up on previous newsletters here. Enjoy!
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If you are in Canada, you can either send a check made out to "Bolivian Children Foundation" to the address below, or use our CanadaHelps online donation page.
Bolivian Children Foundation
Box 130
Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0
We know that God loves kids too, so please keep us in your prayers, using these updates as a bit of a guide on what is happening, or by writing us here. We send out weekly prayer requests to those who join our prayermail list. We really appreciate the support!
Learn More about our Projects
All of our programs seek to provide holistic care, as well as integrate children and families living with various physical and mental health issues, including HIV/AIDS.
Our home that currently provides care for 22 girls who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.
Our home that currently provides care for 13 boys who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.
Our transitional program, helping prepare teens for independent living once they leave our residential homes.