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  Summer 2017 Newsletter  
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Good News,
Good Times!
A warm greeting from Cochabamba,

We are pleased to announce that we surpassed our goal for our Children's Campaign and raised $20,645. Thank you for your support! It was a huge encouragement and help to our children and staff.

In the last couple of months our days have been joyfully filled with varying activities, ranging from the Baptism of one of our boys, participating in Holy week to celebrating Mother's Day! All activities - and the day to day - have been led by the wonderful Tias we have on staff! We welcome you to take a moment to see what the kids and staff have been doing in April and May.

Peace and Blessings,
Day to Day image
The Day to Day
The children in both Corazón del Pastor and Pedacito de Cielo have almost reached the halfway point of the school year and the majority doing well in all of their classes. A large portion of every day is spent doing homework and preparing different projects. Recently, we have been blessed to have a group of local university students from the Faculty of Education come and offer one-on-one tutoring to the kids.

Thankfully, our days are not totally consumed by studies! Every day includes time for fun and games, extra-curricular activities, and relaxation. The children love to play card games, soccer or other silly games, and are involved in horseback riding, dance and scouts. Our days are full and fun.
Day to Day Image Cristina saying, "The fish was this big!" Day to Day Image Ramiro and Tomas are a two person band. Day to Day Image Eneas works on his Minion needle point homework. Day to Day Image Nohemi and Alandra working on homework and in good spirits. Day to Day Image Timoteo gets help from one of the volunteers who provide one-on-one tutoring. Day to Day Image Our kids and staff participating in the annual vigil for Bolivians who have died due to AIDS-related causes. Day to Day Image Tía Evelyn putting doTerra therapuetic oils on Manolo. Day to Day Image Martina hugging volunteer, Tía Caitlin, at her goodbye party.
Holy Week Image
Holy Week
The tradition for celebrating Christ's resurrection in Bolivia starts with Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter Sunday. Each day has special and specific traditions that help local church communities celebrate the entirety of "Semana Santa". Tradition on Thursday night is to visit 12 churches on a "pilgrimage" around the city. The churches are adorned with beautiful altars, packed pews and singing all night to welcome the guests.

Perhaps the biggest celebration of the week happens on Good Friday, when it is customary to celebrate the "Way of the Cross" followed by an elaborate Easter Vigil liturgy the following Saturday night. Easter Sunday again calls the faithful to the churches for another service to celebrate the Resurrection. Easter Sunday was especially special for us at Niños con Valor, as one of our boys, Eneas, was baptized!
Holy Week Image Stations of the Cross at La Trinidad. Holy Week Image Our teens listening to a reading on Good Friday. Holy Week Image Natalia during a moment of reflection with La Trinidad priest, Tammy. Holy Week Image Tia Lizzy washes Mariela's feet Holy Week Image Victoria prepares for foot washing. Holy Week Image Nohemi has her feet dried. Holy Week Image Eneas has wanted to be baptized for some time, he was baptized on Easter Sunday.
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Caminos Abiertos
al Cambio
This month, we added a new program to Niños con Valor. This addition was unanticipated, yet fills an important gap in the care we have been providing our children, and as a pilot project, the first of its kind in Cochabamba to our knowledge, we hope it will serve as a model for other organizations working with teens.

Each of the 40 children in our care have lived through traumatic situations, and the impact these experiences have in their lives vary. For many of our girls, adolescence has brought with it emotional struggles and frustrations, and for some, has led to behaviors and actions that, if not checked, could lead to more serious problems in the future.

Caminos Abiertos al Cambio (Open Roads to Change) is a therapeutic space for teens with disruptive behavior, where they recieve more focused and intensive support to help them work through their emotions in a healthy way. They live in a separate space where they follow a strict routine, exercise lots, have daily individual and group therapy sessions, and work on a life plan that includes a healthy integration into social groups, including Corazón del Pastor.

As this is a new program - we need to raise funds! While this will become a part of our general operating costs in 2018, we need to raise some money to cover the remainder of 2017.

One great way you can support us is by purchasing a t-shirt at our Bonfire campaign page. Over half of the purchase price is donated to NCV, and will be directed towards the support of this program.
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Most of you are probably familiar with our Sendero de Esperanza transition program. Launched in 2012, this program includes a preparatory phase, helping all of our kids 12-years-old and up gradually get ready for the transition into adulthood, and a scholarship for when they turn 18-years-old, providing the opportunity to live in our transition home, continue their education, and save up funds for the future.

This year, recognizing that several of the girls who have moved into the SDE apartment, while ready in theory, were not emotionally prepared for the shift from a home where staff were there to meet their every need to suddenly being self-reliant, we opened our "pre-Sendero" apartment. The apartment is located on the top floor of Pedacito de Cielo, with two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living area. Those girls who are 15-years-old and older, and who demonstrate a readiness to live semi-independently, with the support of PDC staff if needed, are able to live in the apartment, so long as they meet the requirements and keep to the rules, similar to those that we have for our SDE transition home.

Since January, five teens have participated in this part of the program, and have gained a great deal more independence and confidence.
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A Job Fair
On April 8, the first NCV Job Fair was presented to a crowd of spectators at the boys' home. It was the brainchild of Tía Evelin, who helped each boy research and prepare for his chosen profession. The judges awarded points based on presentation, effort, props and content.

It was a fantastic display of learning through creativity and active play. Besides teaching others about what they learned, each boy walked away with a better understanding of potential professions for their futures! Thank you to Tía Evelin for all of her hard work and support of the children in Job Fair and cleaning up.
Job Fair Image Eight boys participated in the presentations. Job Fair Image Professor Luis demonstrates an education tool. Job Fair Image Dr. Diego has a positive diagnosis for patient Tomas. Job Fair Image Psychologist Manolo presents on the benefits of psychology. Job Fair Image Lawyer Eneas said his services would cost 2 pesos. Job Fair Image Veterinarian Bemabe and assistant Johana and Dori (the dog). Job Fair Image Agronomist Marcos talks about the pros and cons of using urea in fertilizer. Job Fair Image Policeman Timoteo waves before talking about what he does. Job Fair Image Fireman Alarico waits patiently for his turn to speak. Job Fair Image A group shot after a fun dance and song about the professions.
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We had our first staff appreciation week during the month of April, which was very well received. The responses to the week ranged from hugs and kisses to a bit of dancing - our staff is awesome and the volunteers wanted them to know how much they are appreciated! Every day a different treat was brought in for them to enjoy. Thank you to all the staff for everything they do!

During the month of May we also celebrated "Día de la Familia" (Day of the Family) and "Día de la Mamá" (Mother's Day - which is celebrated on the 27th of May in Bolivia) with very special outings and presentations!
Celebration Image A note with chocolate candies started off the week. Celebration Image Homemade chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Celebration Image Cupcakes, drinks, popcorn and candy for staff meetings. Celebration Image A phone card, pen and candies to end the week. Celebration Image Some of the boys play the "turtle game" while Tio Carlos grills a delicious lunch for Día de la Familia. Celebration Image A few of the kids enjoy throwing rocks into the river... Celebration Image ...while others play soccer, a family favorite! Celebration Image Manolo gives the audience a "muscle" show at the Mother's Day celebration. Celebration Image Tía Molly enjoys the show with Ramiro, Fabian, Fabiola, and Johana. Celebration Image Victoria and Zamora sing a capella for all the Tias, staff and volunteers. Celebration Image Tia Lizzy dances with Paty and Bryssa to a popular pop song - "Shaky Shaky"!
  Our Programs  
Our home that provides care for boys who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.
Our home that provides care for girls who have been orphaned, abandoned or removed from high-risk situations.
We also host volunteers, who fulfill important roles within our programs. Click here to learn more.
Our transitional program, helping prepare teens for independent living once they leave our residential homes.
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Ninos con Valor Inc
NE Novelty Hill Rd SteB221-#301
Redmond, WA 98053
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