Summer vacation came to a sweet end with another memorable visit from the Living Waters team. It was a busy week with moving Pedacito de Cielo, building a shed in Corazon del Pastor, painting the office, hosting a house-warming for the girls now living in the new Sendero de Esperanza apartment, doing arts and craft projects, and other activities. We are so thankful for their help and the love they showered on the kids!

Mask-making was only one of the fun and creative projects the Living Waters team shared with the kids.

“Moda Loca!” It may have been torrentially down-pouring outside, but inside was a raging costume and dance party followed by a delicious bbq prepared by the team.
At the end of their visit, we traveled to the pueblo Mizque with 10 of the girls, who have been talking about this trip for months. On the way to Mizque we took a detour to visit the ruins of an ancient Incan strong-hold and test our lungs in the thin air.
With Mizque as our home-base, all 40-some of us enjoyed fabulous Bolivian-style meals in a family’s home and rowdy games of “Cacho” after dinner. During the day, we piled into the backs of two pick-up trucks and forged rivers to reach more remote villages, bearing treats and games. This is an important component of how we build relationships and trust with these villages, and also a special opportunity for the girls (and volunteers!) to get to know the Bolivian countryside.
Thank You for all the love you showed our Living Water team!!! It was SO rewarding to all of us to try to help make a little difference in this kids lives!!! They ate children that are TRULY loved by God!! They were put in Tyson’s hands for a reason!!! I hope these children will grow and share the love they have received and share it with many more children!!! It makes for a better world , a better life for all!! God Bless all of you that are working to make a difference in Bolivia!!! You gave us SO many awesome memories!!! I love my pictures cause I can keep on living the great times we had with all of you!!!! How are the computers?? Having fun with them??? Hugs from New Hamburg Ontario Canada!!!!
Thank YOU Mary! We are so grateful for all of your help. The girls have been loving the computers. What a great opportunity for them 🙂