The older group of children from PDC went on a field trip yesterday to Smiles Forever, a dental clinic offering dental services to all of the children within Ninos con Valor. Many of our kids arrive already with serious dental issues even though they are so young. We thought it a good idea to take some of the fear of going by having a tour of the offices, see all the instruments that they use during a visit and learning how to take care of our teeth the proper way.
The kids getting in line getting ready to go on their field trip
The kids learning about cavities and how to prevent them
The kids showing off their teeth to the dental hygienist
When the kids were told that they should also brush their tongue because lots of ugly germs live there too, they were asked to stick out their tongues. Now, normally they’re told that they aren’t allowed to stick out their tongues because it’s not kind, but once they saw it was okay, they got into it!
Raeka got right into it, Manolo looks a bit more apprehensive, like it might be a trick that he gets to stick his tongue out
Lucas fully enjoying himself:)
After their little lesson, they got to go see how the chairs work and all of the instruments that are used. Some were a bit more apprehensive than others, but in the end, most got very comfortable in the chairs and didn’t really want to leave.