Below is a letter from Paola who has been at Giuillermo’s bedside as much as she has been allowed these past weeks, with a translation below:
Guillermo fue operado el dia miercoles 8, su recuperación es muy lenta el corazón no evoluciona como se queria, los riñones no funcionaban normalmente por lo que tubieron que hacerle Dialisis, lo que nos tuvo muy preocupados, desde el sabado 11 se noto mas mejorias en el estado general de salud de Guillermo lo que nos lleno de alegria, el dia sabado ya le sacaron el tubo que le ayudaba a respirar y tambien le quitaron la Dialisis por que ya orinaba solo, su estado es todavia delicado pero Guillermo es un luchador y aguanta todo el dolor con mucha valentia, esta con calmantes pero esta molesto por no poderse mover. Podemos visitarlo todos los dias, por la mañanas y por la tarde solo unos cuantos minutos, se encuentra molesto quiere que lo levante pero todavia esta muy fragil y con suero en el brazo por que lo siguen medicando, no quiere tomar su leche y al parecer en esta semana ya saldra de terapia intensiva. Por favor sigan orando por su recuperacion para que sea mas rapida y el se reuna a jugar lo mas pronto con los otros niños del Hogar Pedacito de Cielo que lo extrañan mucho. Paola
Guillermo was operated on Wednesday the 8th. His recovery is very slow; the heart was not recuperating as one would hope; his kidneys were not functioning normally, for which he had to go on dialysis. This all made us very nervous.
Since Saturday the 11th, we have seen improvement in general with Guillermo which has filled us with joy. On Saturday they removed the tube that was helping him breath, and they took him of dialysis as he was able to urinate on his own.
He is still in a delicate state, but Guillermo is a fighter, and in very brave in dealing with all the pain. He is taking pain-killers, but is bothered by that he is unable to move.
We are able to visit him for just a few minutes every day, both in the morning and afternoon. He is frustrated that he cannot lift himself up, as he is still very weak and has an IV in his arm giving him his medication, and doesn’t want to drink his milk.
It looks like he will be leaving the ICU this week. Please continue to pray that his recovery would be even quicker, so he can get back soon to play with the other kids at Pedacito de Cielo as they miss him alot.