It was a great day today as we finally got to schedule a visit with Tia Maritza! Maritza left us a few weeks ago to get her long-awaited hip replacement surgery, and her absence from the home has been greatly felt by all. There have been some major changes and events in the home and not having her around has been tough for all of us. Many of the girls had expressed their doubts that Maritza was truly going to return to the house, as we’ve had other people say that they were leaving for health reasons but never came back. The girls having the opportunity to visit her and see that she is doing well, that she still loves them lots, was very uplifting and confirming for the doubtful.
Maritza receiving her card from Kattya.
It was also very encouraging for Maritza to see the girls, and she is looking forward to the visit tomorrow from the girls who were in school this afternoon and weren’t able to visit. Maritza is not a stay-still kind of person, so being on bed rest for a month has been very difficult for her, but she was all smiles when the girls came in and poured their love out on her with hugs and kisses and cards.
My favorite card was from one of the girls thanking Tia Maritza for always making sure that she was behaving. We always try to tell the tias that the girls really do like limits, they do like it when people don’t let them get away with things, but sometimes they have a hard time believing it. Proof!!
We’re looking forward to Tia Maritza’s return to the Corazon del Pastor team soon!