Back to waiting that is. We got word yesterday that the transformer had not yet arrived from La Paz, so not surprisingly, we will be waiting once again to hear when Guillermo can be admitted for the procedure. We’ll keep you updated:)
On to happier news…
We have a new girl at Corazon del Pastor- Kattya! Kattya is a super sweet 7 year old who has been with us for a few days now. It’s been great to see how the other girls have taken her under their wing and have helped her get adjusted to living with 21 other girls.
We are currently working with Kattya’s father to help him understand how to take good care of his daughter. Because of his neglect, she’s been terribly sick and hasn’t gotten the needed medical attention. Currently he is expressing an interest in wanting to work toward reunification, and we’re encouraged by this commitment. Please pray with us that he will follow through with his responsibilities and have a renewed love for his daughter.
I didn’t have to try very hard to get Kattya to smile, but even at the age of 7, she’s self-conscious of her teeth. What you can’t see in these photos is her need for some serious dental and orthodontia work. This is partly due to genetics, and partly due to the lack of proper care she’s had thus far.
We’ve been told that the total cost of the work needed will be at least $500! If you’d like to help us cover this cost, you can donate here.
Be sure to check in over the next few days- we’ll be posting on Holy Week activities as well as Children’s Day (which is a very big deal here).