It’s hard to believe that World AIDS Day was almost two weeks ago… since then, we’ve gone into Christmas and vacation mode – shopping, preparing for our Mizque trip this upcoming weekend, practicing the ‘teatro’ that the girls will be performing for Christmas at CDP, making thankyou and update videos for the various churches that support us…
Amidst the non-stop preparation, I am so grateful for the days where I just get to spend time with the kids. Last night a bunch of the tias and volunteers from PDC took the little ones out at night to see the Christmas lights in the city. They all had their Santa hats on, and were in awe of all the lights and people. It was way too cute.
We’ve also had a lot of fun times with the girls. On Friday, we went to ‘Tobogan’, which is a city park which is really just a GIANT, terrifying slide. It was hilarious seeing the girls’ sheer joy going down (and sometimes total terror). I’ve also started teaching the girls piano, since we got a piano donated a while ago, and it’s been great. It’s really interesting getting to know the girls’ learning styles, and I love being able to spend that one-on-one time with them.
I thought I would share some of my favourite photos of the past week – I’m learning that ‘showing’ is often more powerful than ‘telling’, if that makes sense. Enjoy the photos, and enjoy the next week and a half in anticipation of Christmas day.
The mix of joy and terror going down the ‘tobogan’.
Lucas is very happy and excited about the lights. What a smile 🙂
Another beautiful portrait of Jhoselin’s twin sister, Diana, taken by one of the girls.
Hanging out after lunch.
Peace and love,