by Tyson | Jan 31, 2017 | Corazón del Pastor, Front Page, General, Pedacito de Cielo, Sendero de Esperanza, Teams
Summer Vacations! What two words do kids love to hear? Summer vacation, of course! Since summer break in Bolivia is December and January, it coincides with Christmas, the New Year, Kings’ Day and this year, a big move for the kids of Niños con Valor and a visit...
by Tyson | Dec 26, 2014 | Corazón del Pastor, General, Pedacito de Cielo, Sendero de Esperanza
Each year, Niños con Valor gathers to celebrate the gift of Christmas, to spend a day reflecting on the successes of the year that is coming to an end, and in general, to be together as a family. The day begins with a presentation planned by the children and the...
by Tyson | Dec 16, 2014 | Corazón del Pastor, General
Ok, we are not there yet, and still have a TON of work to for Christmas, but last week the staff of CDP work together with all of our girls 8 years old and up to talk about next year’s themes and activities. It was a fun morning, and our first attempt at having...
by Tyson | Dec 15, 2014 | Corazón del Pastor, General, One Child at a Time, Pedacito de Cielo, Sendero de Esperanza, Teams, Volunteering
It is crazy to think that we are approaching the end of 2014. It has been a busy years, full of challenges and joys, and all of us who are a part of the NCV family, here in Bolivia and abroad, should feel really encouraged by the growth that we have seen in our...
by Tyson | Nov 18, 2014 | Corazón del Pastor, General, Pedacito de Cielo, Sendero de Esperanza
Hey folks, We’ve been a bit behind in posting the links for our monthly newsletters, so here are links for our most recent October letter, plus from the months before. Sorry about that, we’ll be more on top of things from now on. Newsletter Links: October...
by Tyson | Jul 24, 2014 | General, Uncategorized
Hey supporters, our June Newsletter went out this morning to everyone on our mailing list. If you didn’t receive it, please sign up here for our newsletter. You can also check it out online, by clicking here or on the image to the...