This has been an exciting year for Niños con Valor, as we continue to grow in both the number of children we are serving and the impact that we’re able to have here in Bolivia. It’s been amazing to look back to how NCV first began as an organization to help support existing organizations, to now where we have two homes where we serve both boys and girls from newborn to 18, as well as our newest home, Sendero de Esperanza, which began this year as an independent living program to serve our young women (!) who have aged out of CDP, in addition to our community based outreach program, One at a Time.
This year has been a major time of growth for us in seeing one of our long-term goals come to fruition of being able to serve as a model of care for children, not just in Cochabamba, but in Bolivia at large. We’ve been able to share with government agencies both within and outside of Cochabamba about our model of integrating children with all types of challenges such as immuno-deficiencies and other health issues, developmental issues, and mental health concerns. We’re getting calls from various other departments asking us to take in children whose needs can’t be met elsewhere. While we’re glad that we can welcome these children with open arms into our homes, we’re hoping that in the near future these children will be able to have their needs met right in their own communities and not need to be so far from what they’ve known as home, by providing a model of care that allows for any home to be able meet their needs.
We’re seeing an increase of involvement on an international level too as the non-profits in both Canada and the U.S. are growing, we have more and more sponsors supporting our kids, and we continue to welcome teams and volunteers from all over the world.
Last week when we celebrated the anniversary of Niños con Valor, it was a wonderful time when all of the children and staff of our three homes were able to come together as a family and enjoy a special meal, reflect on the year we’ve had, and share a lot of laughs…

Tia Faela overseeing Diego helping with mowing the lawn. It’s amazing the chores kids are so eager to do when it’s something different than what’s at their own house 🙂

Samuel, our newest boy at PDC, is enjoying all the fun playthings at both homes. Here, Clara is giving him a push on the swings.
We got to go on a journey of remembering both when our children were much younger and also those who have since moved on. It was a sweet time for everyone as we laughed at seeing how much everyone has changed since they first arrived and celebrated all those positive changes.
Many thanks to all of you who are a part of our extended NCV family. You’ve rejoiced and celebrated with us in our times of joy, prayed and encouraged us through the difficult times, and supported and enabled us to grow and evolve to where we are now. We’re grateful knowing we have you to accompany us along this journey of transforming lives, one child at a time.
Tyson & Staff, wonderful that you can share the joy with all these children. What a vision you had and still build on!!! You have a very special heart Tyson, to give yourself 100%+++++.These children are so lucky to have you in their lives!!! It’s up to you to pick your staff and yet another gift you had!!! Every child should have the chance to be loved and cared for as your Ninos Con Valor children!!! God Bless You Tyson , God Bless your family and God Bless your staff and beautiful little smiling faces you see at work each day!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!