Feature Photo: Raquel is in the center with Tia Sonia, our social work on the right and her sister, Trella, on the left.
This past Monday we got to head out to the Quiroga family once again, this time to celebrate Raquel’s birthday that was on Sunday. It’s hard to believe that this once painfully timid, and now just preciously shy, girl has turned 11!
We were glad to see that things were going well for the family, as we wanted to make sure that they were still stable since Zandra started at a local university last month. the family seems to have adjusted and when we arrived, Raquel was helping to make lunch for the family.
We brought along a few of our girls to help celebrate Raquel’s birthday, below you can see her with Abigail, Cynthia and Sofia right before they gave her her gift.
Raquel liked her ‘Barbie’ doll that we gave her, but was so cute and nervous opening it. Outside of a child’s 1st and 15th birthday, birthday celebrations tend to not be that big of a deal here, but I think it’s important that we celebrate the lives of our children and let them know that we’re glad they are a part of our lives.
Today we celebrated Zamora’s 4th birthday at CDP. I didn’t get a chance to be at her party as I was working at PDC today, so I hope someone got some good pictures, but I do have an adorable one that I took yesterday of Princess Zamora as she ‘broke’ into my office through the window (which is not very high off the ground) to show me her butterfly crown that she got at the Children’s Day celebration in school.
This little munchkin has such a huge personality and an advanced sense of humor, it’s going to be so fun seeing what she’s like when she’s one of the ‘older’ girls in the home:)
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