A six-person team from Freeway Church in Hamilton, Canada arrived last Friday. The girls and little ones love when visitors come because they meet new people and fun activities are planned!
Sunday I worked at Corazon del Pastor (the girls’ home) and the team spent the day with the girls! We began the morning having a dance party on the patio to Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga. After a fair amount of dancing, we split up into two groups and headed to church.
After mass, we shared an amazing lunch! It was a form of silpancho, thin meat with pasta, vegetables, and egg. It was wonderful to have the visitors eating with the girls. And, even though there was no common language, everyone was able to communicate, even if it was through a laugh, a hand movement, or a smile.
After lunch, we had fun tie-dying shirts! The girls love making clothes and they were introduced to tie-dye, which is not as popular here in Bolivia. They had a wonderful time being creative and making something they can cherish. After a few hours of tie-dye, the double dutch began! The girls have never been introduced to jumping with two ropes, but they were determined to get it. We spent at least an hour turning the ropes as the girls tried time after time to jump in and find a rhythm. It was fun to watch and encourage them! Practicing double dutch led to limbo contests! And, the girls really got into limbo! Zamora, the youngest and the shortest, was hilarious as she danced and hopped under the rope, copying everyone’s body movements. As the rope got lower and lower, each of the girls was more and more determined to reach the other side!
Sunday was an amazing day–fun art projects, learning new things, laughing until my stomach hurt, and getting to know new people! However, the most shocking thing was how both the team and the girls found ways to communicate without speaking! Kindness–a smile, a laugh, a hug, a pat on the back–crosses language boundaries!