Viva Cochabamba!

Yesterday, September 14th, was the 201st  anniversary of the department of Cochabamba! It’s quite the celebration here, considering we are in the department–the schools celebrate with dances, songs, and speeches the week of, the flag of the department is...

Dia de la Patria

The team from Canada left on Saturday, but our sadness over their departure was uplifted by the festivities of “Día de la Patria Bolivia” (Bolivia’s  Independence Day – August 6th). In the afternoon I was able to head downtown to the Prado with Tia Andrea...

Fun Vacation Days!

When I was younger, some of my favorite times were vacations from school–art projects and movies, trips to the park and playing for hours on end. This is no different for the girls of Corazon del Pastor! They have been looking forward to their two weeks off for...

Dia del Peaton 2

I didn’t post last week, but wanted to share a bit about the great time my family had with Marco on the Dia del Peaton, which Megan wrote about last week. Our family loves these days, walking around the (mostly) car-less streets, the kids speeding around on their...

Dia del Peaton

Snack time!Zaquiel enjoying the park play time!Victoria having fun and eating delicious strawberry ice cream!Yesterday was Dia del Peaton (Pedestrian Day) here in Cochabamba. The streets are free of cars and trucks, and filled with bikers and walkers, and children...